Rewina on her studies with ADD
Received life story from Rewina on her life with ADD and the impact on her studies
Studying with ADD

I am a young lady aged 21 and I have ADD. When I was young, I was always pretty much on my own. I was always on my mind and everyone then thought I was also very shy. I didn't make much effort to interact with peers.
When it was time to go to secondary school, I was advised to do VWO/HAVO. I was so happy about this, but once I arrived at my secondary school, things did not go as expected. I never managed to get anything done and everything I read seemed to go past me. I often describe this myself as that the information didn't seem to reach my brain, like lemonade in a straw, flowing down before reaching the mouth. I just couldn't get it done. I went from VWO/HAVO class the second year to HAVO class. Again, I ran into the same problems and moved on to VMBO class. Without studying for it, I passed all my subjects. That's how I got my VMBO diploma and went on to study at MBO.
This is where I finished Social Legal Services. Again, I did this without ever doing anything for it. Thus, I began to forget that I had a problem. After this, I decided to step up to HBO, knowing that I had completed my MBO degree without any effort. I started studying International Business and Management. One of the toughest studies at HBO. I had failed almost all my subjects in the first term. This made me so depressed. I felt so stupid. I had expected to cope easily. At first, I thought I was really stupid for a long time. Later, I did start asking myself how it was possible that I heard from so many people that I was intelligent, that I still had insight with some things, that I had been advised VWO/HAVO first. This was such a disjointed situation. I knew there was a puzzle piece missing.
So I went to the GP who told me that I was probably ADD had and referred me to a care facility. And yes, it was right! Everything was now falling into place. All the little things I thought were traits of mine. Like always having music on, or the TV on softly, always those terrible mood swings. When I found this out, I knew I had to try to make the best of it. Ritalin I prefer not to take. Still feel a bit like it's very close to drugs. Previously, I have LTO3 used, but this unfortunately did not help me. I think it is different for each person.
I now use while learning Binaural Beats and I also meditate. I also take Omega 3 and 6. This helps against mood swings and I also take evening primrose oil for concentration. I am now in the second year of IBS at HBO. I have passed all my subjects. Unfortunately, I haven't got my p yet because of a 5.4 on a group project, but I will definitely get there. I hope my story also motivates you guys to persevere, even if it is still so tough. Good luck to you all.
Greetings Rewina
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Dear ADDs, ADHDs and HSPs,
I am Jochem and have been diagnosed with ADD and am a high-sensitive (HSP). Over the past few years, I have done an enormous amount in the field of self-awareness exercises and self-healing. Partly because in 2011 I suddenly found myself dealing with CFS/ME, or chronic fatigue syndrome, overnight. This was really a big turning point in my life which meant I really had to start working on myself from now on.
To recover, I did have to learn a lot about myself. So I pretty much went to every therapist, coach but also alternative healer you can think of.
During my search for the right help, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge that gave me very good insights and caused me to heal more and more. Now I actually see my ADD more as a strength and can live with it much better.
A book that really opened my eyes is "The Davinci Method" by John Loporto. He approaches all our traits in such a beautiful way. This is really a eye-opener For all people diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. This book was one of the biggest inspirations for me to start this website in late 2011. You can find more about John Loporto's inspiring book here. You can also see his inspiring video there in which he shares his message as an introduction to his book.
I hope this website will inspire you to look at the beautiful and powerful sides of ADD and ADHD, but of course also high sensitivity. Through all the information and tips and advice I give you the tools to be stronger with ADD, ADHD and HSP.
When you feel that spirit in yourself and are confident, you can be a person who can be very inspiring to 'normal' people. A person with a close connection to life, a rich emotional life, full of creativity, a broad thinking mind, a social being, reliable, humorous and with a very good intuition. The roles of feeling different will then reverse. But if you keep getting stuck and often think negatively about yourself, you will become more and more negatively laden and tired and the above beautiful qualities will mostly remain in the background.
On my website, I share with you all the knowledge I have. The knowledge that can give you as an ADD, ADHD and HSP person a positive spin on your life. In doing so, I share all the information I have learned from coaches and therapists and from books, documentaries and interviews.
You can read more about me on the about me page.
Happy reading
Greetings, Jochem.
Hi Rewina!
Another story that is very recognisable. Interesting to read because you do feel that you are not alone in having ADD.
Very nice that you are now working on that HBO study after all, you have managed to pull that off!!!
I do wonder about something, because I suffer a lot from mood swings myself. You take omega 3 and 6 for this?
How did you come to swallow these and how did you find out it helps?
Love to hear from you!
Greetings Julia (