How high-sensitive Lotte got her struggling life back thanks to LTO3
Received life story from Lotte on the ups and downs in her life with HSP
Four years ago, I discovered that I was hsp was. And not so little but in the highest degree there is. It was coming home for me. I finally got answers to all my questions but the hardest part was accepting my high sensitivity. 47 years I felt different and not at home here. I had more connection with the spiritual world than here on earth. So now I no longer had to strive to be normal but went on a journey of discovery of who I really was.
I had balanced myself for years but after a divorce, a sexual assault at work, the death of my children's father and the death of my best friend (all this happened in 1 year), I became seriously over-stimulated. The overstimulation became chronic culminating last year, ...when I also lost my job a total nervous breakdown. I couldn't take it anymore and was totally spent.
My family doctor prescribed xanax for me. I loved the stuff. Finally I felt I could function. I spent 2 weeks on a deck chair in the garden. Just enjoying the peace and quiet. Nothing could bother me. After 2 weeks, I got an idea. I loved massage, by the way, is also a gift of mine and wanted to become self-employed. I started a business giving healings/massages. Soon I noticed that people could literally suck out my energy and I was left empty. So putting me more into protection and I found. ..I don't need that xanax anymore. I'll phase that out and leave it. Until I started getting hyperventilation. I had had this regularly in the distant past and I knew with meditation and breathing exercises this will go away. Not so. I reached back for the xanax. But it made me so drowsy and my character began to change. I was no longer the sweet lotte who lived from her heart but had become an insensitive person.
When I went to the psychologist because I was still in treatment for the sexual assault, we discussed the medication I was taking. Apparently, xanax is addictive and it also promotes hyperventilation. Well fine I thought. That's where I am now. switching to an anti depressant and tapering xanax. Well from that anti depressant my libido went away and I didn't feel like that either. So I pulled out my trash can and tipped all the meds in the trash. A hell of a time I went through with withdrawal symptoms and one panic attack after another. But after a while, I was through that too. In balance like years before, I still wasn't.
Meanwhile, I was in a new relationship. (Which for someone with hsp is also stressful) and all my traumas came back to the surface. I often said to my current husband, there is such a thing as a pill for people with asperger's why doesn't it exist for people with hsp. My husband has asperger's and his medication for reducing stimuli works perfectly. Of course there is something like medication for hsp'ers but it makes you so drowsy or drugged and I don't want that.
So spent a whole year working on myself. Started a study on "how to deal with high sensitivity " but I still got over-triggered 3 times a week and how....morning when I got up I kept thinking. God what was that like again yesterday. I couldn't believe the day after myself that I had been so overstimulated again.
I was back on Facebook one evening and saw an article pop up about high sensitivity and Lto3. I started reading and reading and got wildly excited. I thought eureka THIS IS IT and ordered it immediately. Like a true hsp'er befits, I fluffed out all the info about Lto3. I checked out all the reviews and at one point I came across a site with not-so-thrilling comments about lto3. I thought Lap here you have it - it's probably fake. They thought the site was too good to be true and questioned the man in question. They also thought the product was way too expensive. Well I thought it was not that bad. If the product worked then I had my life back. I thought apparently she has no complaints. And she was clearly looking for people with a negative experience. She did get those but there were also people who didn't share her opinion. So I thought wait and see and try it myself. I already knew it didn't work for everyone and that someone with hsp could have side effects in the beginning.
On the Monday, the package arrived. I immediately took 3 pills. I lay outside in the sun and a few hours later I noticed a tremendous calmness inside me. A calmness that I had literally never felt before. I thought WHAT that can't be that it is already working. This is a natural product and surely it needs at least a week to work. So later I read that it did indeed work immediately. My God this was blissful. I went out of my mind. I no longer lived in the past or the future but in the present and I enjoyed myself to the full. In the morning I woke up with a blissful feeling of happiness and peace. But in the evening all hell broke loose. I was overtriggered and everything was back in full force. It seemed I was even less balanced. My husband said to me....I don't know what it is with you the last few days but you are really unbearable. A lot of heart pain came on from trauma and I felt I was starting to hyperventilate. Now was that the side effects in someone with hsp. It said in the advertisement hold on. Reduce the dose and gradually build up. I didn't think about reducing the dose. Just get on with it. And a few days later I felt that balance again. Sleeping is still not good but I don't mind that so much.
I am currently 2.5 weeks into it and feel so good. I am back to being the independent lotte and the eternal optimist. Sometimes I still get overstimulated. But what used to take a whole day or even weeks to get out of my takes a few hours or sometimes as little as half an hour. It is not a miracle pill that solves all your problems and presents you with a perfect world. No, the problems I struggle with every other person has, but I too can now put them into perspective. Give it a place faster and it no longer dominates my world.
I used to depend on my feelings. Now I have feelings with life. That is something completely different. I have my life back. I am still an hsp'er with huge feelings but I am finally enjoying the gift and the beauty of all that someone with hsp has to offer. And expensive? ??? What is expensive when you get your life back.
Lotte 5/7/2019
Lotte's update on using LTO3 after 2 months:
I'll take the Lto3 now 2 months and it has changed my life drastically. The first day I took it, after a few hours, I noticed how calm I became. Inner conversations and dialogues were gone. I thought whoow is this working already. It was so blissfully quiet and calm in my head and I was enjoying the here and now. For the first time in the morning I woke up with a smile on my face. But in the day, it seemed to help less. I had read about side effects in people with hsp but I didn't want to change my dose. Just grit my teeth and sit out the first week. After that, peace returned to me. I no longer worried about futilities. I didn't add a story to a situation so I didn't get over-triggered and instead lived in the here and now. If I had a problem, I reacted to the facts and after 10 minutes I went on with my life.
After the second month, I wondered. Does this really work. I also asked my husband that. And he answers, ..I don't notice any difference no. But I did feel a difference.
Today I forgot to take my pills and I thought. ..well there are some who don't take them at the weekend so give them a try. Well big fat mistake on my part. In the evening I got a dead normal message and I freaked out. I saw images of previous conversations, I got anxious and I just couldn't get out of the overtrigger phase I was in. I got a bomb of negative feelings and always the conversation and images kept playing before my eyes. It made me so convulsive that my whole body cramped up and I felt only anxiety. I immediately took my LTO3 but before that worked I was completely freaked out. I was crying. Because I also found it frightening. If after leaving 1 dose I reacted like this. I couldn't think about if I suddenly couldn't order lto3 because without it I had much less quality of life.
Yep I was in a negative spiral and I couldn't get out of it. One lucky thing is that I can talk very well to my husband. But when I am overtriggered he prefers to avoid me as I get even more worked up and then he said. I remember telling you that I didn't notice any difference with you but now I see it. And I reply. ..and I still keep quiet on the outside because I know what futilities it is and that I react this way because of my hsp. But in my body and in my head a war raged. ...After about 3h, the LTO3 started working and I became calmer but the effects of my overtrigger phase were there. My nervous system was overloaded and with the slightest thing I had a short fuse. Yes my pills I never forget to take again.
You know what it is. When the anxiety disappears and there's peace in your mind . ...and are no longer constantly busy with storylines going on in your head, so much space becomes available for other things. Then you can enjoy nature. ..everything beautiful. Because LTO3 doesn't make you tired and lifeless or make you feel numb. In the beginning it brings out the fatigue of years of fighting with yourself but afterwards comes the enjoyment. ...The blissful peace. ...If I doubted whether LTO3 works. Then I did get an answer to that today. I really don't want to be without it anymore.
I finally have a quality life.
Lotte 9/8/2019
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For more information on LTO3, please visit the link below:
> Everything you want to know about LTO3 + questions and answers
Dear ADDs, ADHDs and HSPs,
I am Jochem and have been diagnosed with ADD and am a high-sensitive (HSP). Over the past few years, I have done an enormous amount in the field of self-awareness exercises and self-healing. Partly because in 2011 I suddenly found myself dealing with CFS/ME, or chronic fatigue syndrome, overnight. This was really a big turning point in my life which meant I really had to start working on myself from now on.
To recover, I did have to learn a lot about myself. So I pretty much went to every therapist, coach but also alternative healer you can think of.
During my search for the right help, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge that gave me very good insights and caused me to heal more and more. Now I actually see my ADD more as a strength and can live with it much better.
A book that really opened my eyes is "The Davinci Method" by John Loporto. He approaches all our traits in such a beautiful way. This is really a eye-opener For all people diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. This book was one of the biggest inspirations for me to start this website in late 2011. You can find more about John Loporto's inspiring book here. You can also see his inspiring video there in which he shares his message as an introduction to his book.
I hope this website will inspire you to look at the beautiful and powerful sides of ADD and ADHD, but of course also high sensitivity. Through all the information and tips and advice I give you the tools to be stronger with ADD, ADHD and HSP.
When you feel that spirit in yourself and are confident, you can be a person who can be very inspiring to 'normal' people. A person with a close connection to life, a rich emotional life, full of creativity, a broad thinking mind, a social being, reliable, humorous and with a very good intuition. The roles of feeling different will then reverse. But if you keep getting stuck and often think negatively about yourself, you will become more and more negatively laden and tired and the above beautiful qualities will mostly remain in the background.
On my website, I share with you all the knowledge I have. The knowledge that can give you as an ADD, ADHD and HSP person a positive spin on your life. In doing so, I share all the information I have learned from coaches and therapists and from books, documentaries and interviews.
You can read more about me on the about me page.
Happy reading
Greetings, Jochem.
I am very curious to see how you will fare in a few months if you keep taking it. This may sound nasty but in your post you sound a bit volatile and fluctuating in terms of emotions. I can't judge if it's really because of the lto3. I myself have also 'felt that way' how you sometimes describe feeling. Creating whole storylines and reacting to mundane posts as if third world war is breaking out.
I've been in therapy for about a year and a half and now do a lot of mindfulness. That has the same effect with me that you partly describe lto3 giving you.
Am curious!
I am also an hsp,er. See it as my quality now. I am now 54 and have known since 5 years that I am hsp,er. I am not going to take pills, I have read a lot, attended webbinars. I have learned so much from this, especially from justbeyou. I believe I my own strength.
Hello lotte here.
First of all, I would like to announce that I have severe dislexia. So my apologies for the mistakes. I read the response from "L" and "Tim". I am going to respond to this together. I also believe in my own strength though. I also followed webbinars, looked up everything there was to look up. But I didn't think that was enough and I went back to studying so that I would get my diploma of high sensitivity coach. To Tim I say...just because you're taking a natural product doesn't mean you're on pills. I have studied everything there is to study and one hsper is not the other. Eff for clarity HS is the term highly sensitive. HSP is the person who is highly sensitive. You also have two major categories . You have introverted hsps and extroverted hsps. These in turn are divided into two groups. Introverted tranquillity seekers and introverted tension seekers. Then you have extraverted tranquillity seekers and extraverted tension seekers. Introverted tension seekers and extraverted tension seekers have more conflicts in them. One are quiet people who constantly have an urge for adventure and the extroverted tranquillity seeker tends to be calm but is always moving by themselves. These two types always have inner conflicts and their nervous systems are always under tension. I am the introverted tension seeker. So much in need of rest but always looking for something exciting. These two types with their subdivisions is not something I suck out of my thumb but substantiated by dr elaine aron. What you "L" and "Tim" are I can't answer at the moment, that needs more study. I was balanced for a very long time until the world literally disappeared under my feet. (You can read about it in the first part of my story). I am now also a life coach specialising in HS. But under the 4branches that I just described, there are also degrees of hoo sensitivity. I am super super high sensitive. Which is a great gift because then I have the gift of helping other people. I perceive other people's feelings and thoughts super quickly. I see deceased people, I give healing massages and coach people who just discover they have HS. Yes I am the one who lays my hands on you and takes away your pain. Everyone can think their own thing about that but my patients love it. I am known for it and if it didn't work I wouldn't be able to make a full-time living from it either. The only thing because of my super HS is that I need even more time to process everything deeply and because energy from those people flows into me (I discharge them) then of course I have to discharge myself so their energy doesn't stick to me. My sensory sensitivity is so highly developed and that includes a strong form of emotional intensity, which is also always strongly active because I literally help people day in and day out. As a result, I need more in-depth processing and am also more susceptible to overstimulation than an average hsp with a normal family and that's where lto3 helps perfectly. To recover faster. I am not the ordinary woman who has HS. I am the type of woman you come to webbinars and go to therapy. I am constantly faced with people who need advice and support. And okay I wrote it a bit irreverently about taking my pills. But they are and always will be nutritional supplements. Which also have damn good vitamins added to them. So I'm not an emotional rollercoaster who just wants to swallow pills. And I recommend it to all my clients/patients. "L" you have been well served by webbinars, nice that means my colleague has done her/his job well. And you also believe in your own power. Top for you. That's the way it should be. And TIM , I am by no means an emotional wreck hear that seeks refuge in pills. A chronic period in my life caused me to lose my way for a while. Who wouldn't be if you lost everything in a short time. But I fought for 3 years. ..worked on myself...and started studying to help other people. Lto3 made my life so much easier and calmer. And now I find that it helps me even more in my profession as a high sensitivity coach. I do better work and I need much less time for in-depth processing. My daughter is highly sensitive herself and her husband with asperger's are also taking Lto3 now and they too are happy with it. Lto3 takes the edge off so we can concentrate more on helping and guiding people. You probably have HS in a milder form and don't need a nutritional supplement. Good for you. But don't judge people who do use Lto3. If you try Lto3 for a month and really feel what it does to you. Only then can you judge or comment justly which you both have done here. You don't need it, fine but don't break down the product for others who do need it. Unless you guys actually use it for a while. I think it's a great product and I feel great peace of mind so I can do my healer work/coaching even better. Because that's what it's all about for me. That I may/can help many people. Discovering that you have HS is one thing. Accepting that you have HS is quite another. And then changing your whole life and the lives of the people around you as well. Because if you don't make your HS a priority in your life, you can take as much Lto3 as you want but you're never going to achieve balance. Lto3 does not replace everything. It's a supplement that helps you but don't ever expect to end up with the 80% who are labelled "normal people". Because you are special. Have special gift to help and support other people. We the adult hsp'ers are here to raise our children with HS so that they have less resistance as we used to. But we shouldn't play martyr either. If we can take a nutritional supplement so we can live easier, help people and enjoy the world in the meantime then this is really nice. And before you wonder if I have shares in Lto3 hahahahahahahahahaha no unfortunately not. I do this from the bottom of my heart and with a lot of love. This is the first time but also the last time I reply to such posts. I focus only on positive things and positive questions in my life. I wish everyone good luck in your lives and may everyone find their way. Greetings lotte