The 'primal diet' or Paleo diet, eating like our ancestors
The Paleo diet can get rid of unexplained symptoms
As most of you already know, I find it important to watch my diet. I try to make green smoothies daily, eat vegetables and make sure to consume as little added sugar as possible. But it still turns out that many foods that I and most people among us eat are not at all as good and healthy as we are led to believe. Many foods literally turn out to be poison for our bodies and minds. Often, this is just food that we eat daily without a clue.
Diseases, disorders and unexplained complaints related to nutrition
Many contemporary foods appear to play a major role in more and more emerging unpleasant and often inexplicable complaints. Think of intestinal problems, high blood pressure, fatigue complaints, restlessness, stress, gloom, concentration problems, etc. Allergies and illnesses like diabetes, extreme overweight (obesity), are also often caused by eating the wrong food. Nutrition has also been found to have a huge impact on how people with labels such as ADD, ADHD, HSP and Autism feel. Nutrition is often the key to better well-being. Unfortunately, many people are often unaware of the effects of nutrition with regard to these syndromes, complaints and labels. Medication is usually the only thing looked at. Unfortunately, that is only symptom relief.
Not long ago, I was tipped off by an acquaintance about the Paleo lifestyle. I had heard this name before but did not know what exactly it entailed. Until recently, as far as I know, it was only very popular in America. Now it turns out that Paleo is on the rise in the Netherlands too. And that is not surprising. After I looked into the Paleo way of eating, it really appealed to me. I was especially amazed at the many positive changes people experienced.
What is Paleo and what makes it so healthy for humans?

The idea of Paleo, also known as primal diet, is that you eat food as our ancestors did hundreds of thousands of years ago. Back then, the diet consisted mainly of vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, nuts, seeds and eggs. Today, our diet has changed tremendously, adding all sorts of things, while our genes have remained almost identical. We have not yet given ourselves the time to let our bodies evaluate through to this new way of eating. As you can see every day, this has a big impact on people's health.
Most people, after they start eating according to the Paleo diet, become much more energetic, clear-headed, youthful, slimmer and comfortable in their own skin. Many intestinal complaints and allergies also disappear, and you also preventively tackle all kinds of diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Not to mention the positive impact it has on labels such as ADD, ADHD and Autism. So I think Paleo really is a godsend. Especially for people who experience unexplained annoying symptoms they can't cope with. It never ceases to amaze me that people can change so positively just by adjusting their diet!
Paleo has long proven itself in America. It has already become more than clear that such a dietary lifestyle as Paleo can have a very positive impact on people. In particular, also on highly sensitive people and people with labels like ADD, ADHD and Autism. Often, we are a lot more sensitive to all these foods. We just don't know this. The food industry really doesn't care about us. They make what sells well, whether it is good or bad for us.
I really recommend you delve further into the Paleo way of eating. It can positively change your life so quickly. Unexplained complaints, aches, pains, intestinal problems, stress, allergies, overtiredness, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, gloom etc can just disappear thanks to the Paleo way of eating. You won't be the first.
I hope you, too, are super happy with Paleo and I'm also extremely curious to hear about your positive changes! So send me your experience via the contact form or post a comment below. I'm looking forward to it. Do you have any good nutritional tips for ADD, ADHD and HSP? Then leave your comment below.
Dear ADDs, ADHDs and HSPs,
I am Jochem and have been diagnosed with ADD and am a high-sensitive (HSP). Over the past few years, I have done an enormous amount in the field of self-awareness exercises and self-healing. Partly because in 2011 I suddenly found myself dealing with CFS/ME, or chronic fatigue syndrome, overnight. This was really a big turning point in my life which meant I really had to start working on myself from now on.
To recover, I did have to learn a lot about myself. So I pretty much went to every therapist, coach but also alternative healer you can think of.
During my search for the right help, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge that gave me very good insights and caused me to heal more and more. Now I actually see my ADD more as a strength and can live with it much better.
A book that really opened my eyes is "The Davinci Method" by John Loporto. He approaches all our traits in such a beautiful way. This is really a eye-opener For all people diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. This book was one of the biggest inspirations for me to start this website in late 2011. You can find more about John Loporto's inspiring book here. You can also see his inspiring video there in which he shares his message as an introduction to his book.
I hope this website will inspire you to look at the beautiful and powerful sides of ADD and ADHD, but of course also high sensitivity. Through all the information and tips and advice I give you the tools to be stronger with ADD, ADHD and HSP.
When you feel that spirit in yourself and are confident, you can be a person who can be very inspiring to 'normal' people. A person with a close connection to life, a rich emotional life, full of creativity, a broad thinking mind, a social being, reliable, humorous and with a very good intuition. The roles of feeling different will then reverse. But if you keep getting stuck and often think negatively about yourself, you will become more and more negatively laden and tired and the above beautiful qualities will mostly remain in the background.
On my website, I share with you all the knowledge I have. The knowledge that can give you as an ADD, ADHD and HSP person a positive spin on your life. In doing so, I share all the information I have learned from coaches and therapists and from books, documentaries and interviews.
You can read more about me on the about me page.
Happy reading
Greetings, Jochem.
Hello Liebes ADHD Team,
Bin durch Zufall auf eure Webpräsenz aufmerksam geworden.
Diese gefällt mir recht gut.
Weiter so und viel Gesundheit und Erfolg für das gesamte Team.
Ich selber hab die Paleo-Diät ausprobiert, es braucht sehr viel Disziplin und Durchhaltevermögen, vor allem wenn man ein Allesesser ist und nie auf die Ernährung geachtet hat.
Spätestens dann wenn man keinen Sport mehr ausführen kann aufgrund Corona und weiter isst, braucht man eine Umstellung. Hab diesen Schritt gewagt und konnte abnehmen. Aber auf Dauer wird diese Ernährungsweise sehr anstrengend, und an manchen Tagen fängt man an schwach zu werden....
Hoffe konnte euch damit Helfen
Freundliche Grüsse
you would like a reaction now I went to a psygiater this morning and he prescribed me Brintellix drops 20mg/ml I have to take 2 drops of that every day after the morning meal
I am now curious to know if anyone has experience with that
What does that have to do with this article man, and it's psyCHiater, if you can't write that word yet and come up with a totally different question like that, just go look this up ff and don't start your own blog or question here.
Personally, I find pretty rude when you know there are other places and opportunities to ask this question.
And also how you started your text with: you would like a reaction , no the man wanted constructive texts and own experiences to be told and not a silly question about medication that you happen to be taking now.
I have been labelled ADD. I am looking for any avenues that will promote my concenctration and ability to rest. Paleo has now triggered me to start. I myself have also started using high-quality omega 3 fish oil for some time. In omega 3 there is DHA which is a very important nutrient for the brain to grow and maintain. it gives you peace of mind and much more focus.
Good luck everyone.
Greetings Cor
Richard de Leth, former general practitioner (soon gave up his practice to focus on prevention through nutrition/healing through nutrition=addressing causes instead of suppressing symptoms) has also started a whole movement: Oersterk.
Also focused on eating differently, it has a lot of common ground with Paleo. Has also written several books and now offers really complete lifestyle courses.
you continue to fascinate me keep up the good work jochum
In December I will get an official ADD test, (without a test for me already clearly add), and suffered from ME for over 25 years. About 2 years ago I started Paleo or primal diet, and I must say it goes ge dig. Now if I eat anything wheat, or anything else that is not good for me, I immediately get eczema or other skin rashes. In my case, the extreme fatigue was simply a food problem. In terms of mood too, everything is much more balanced. So for me there is a clear connection between food and AD(H)D (and in my case ME) It has at least improved the quality of my life a lot.
Hi Jochem,
nice item you have today...
Since four weeks I have been on the Paleo diet, Was I came across somewhere via Facebook.
Since you like getting reactions about this diet... here is my experience with it.
A word in advance.
Two years ago I got colon cancer, I was 54 at the time. The 2 years before, I kept getting fever attacks.... after the bowel cancer operation, not had any more. So e.g. it was related after all.
Finally... that was quite a process, a lot of stress, tension, fear and sadness, including hefty surgery. ( Luckily no metastases, no radiation, got there in time ).
During that period, through an Anthroposophic Dietician, I received nutritional advice to gain weight. That way, I continued to eat for a long time... even though a lot of it was organic.
Still, I gained some weight recently which got in the way......
On 9 July, I set myself a goal, to lose three kilos in two months... via google I found some and that made the first move from 1 to 1.5 kilos.
So then I came across the Paleo diet.
This did interest me especially also because I was told it would give you more energy.
( that energy was still a bit distant since the colon cancer )
( cognitive piece wasn't working very well either and I have since become even more sensitive to stimuli in the form of noise, crowds, too much stuff together... recording info , etc... etc.. )
( As a child I had ADHD, I think, especially physically busy always hanging in the rings, playing football, playing in the hay on our farm, talking a lot.... now more ADD, especially busy in the head. I haven't had any tests at a mental health centre or anything like that.... but I just know/feel that this is how it is. )
Been Paleo since four weeks... lost another 1.5 kilos ( is now at 23.20 BMI ) So my goal already reached two weeks before the target date.
It takes a switch... making fun recipes is already fun to do.
You can really eat enough per meal, you really don't need to go hungry.
My experience is that in between meals, I have no appetite or desire to eat anything.
If I consume a lot of energy then I take a handful of nuts in between.
The need for sweet is virtually non-existent.
But mostly, I feel so much better, more energetic... my head less easily tired, more alert etc.. etc..
I feel ( because I had been eating a little less carbs for much longer ) that those carbs make me tired... will have something to do with sugar elevation in the blood, I guess.
Now that I avoid them altogether, I do notice a marked difference.
So I will keep going with this..... not to lose weight but just to feel good.
My bowels are giving little trouble at the moment. No flatulence, no cramps, good bowel movements several times a day ( which is much more normal than once a day )
Good luck with your site...mails etc.
Sjanne Janssen