Brain waves, the electrical activity of our brain
What do brain waves do in our brain and what about ADD and ADHD?

Our brain produces brain waves, also known as ?brain waves, throughout the day. This is the electrical activity of our brain and enables our brain cells to communicate with each other to transmit information. Our mood and the environment we are in determine the intensity of these brain waves.
In general, it can be said that during the same state of mind (waking, sleeping, stress, being creative, etc.), each brain produces roughly the same brain waves. When psychological factors come into play, abnormal brain activity is often measured. In ADD and ADHD, but also in depression and anxiety disorders, for instance, it has been found that different brain activity is measured in certain parts of the brain. We then speak of ?abnormal brain activity' because the brain activity is different compared to normal.
Brain waves can be measured via a EEG, which stands for Electro-EncephaloGram. With an EEG, you basically visualise brain activity on a monitor using sensors on the head. This EEG equipment was discovered as early as 1924 by Hans berger. It then turned out that there were different brain waves in the brain that we could divide into a spectrum.
What are the brain waves?
Thus, we now know Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta and Gamma brainwaves covering a complete spectrum from 0 ? 42 Hz. Some scientists even say Gamma waves can reach up to 70 Hz.
These brainwaves each have their own vibration intensity and are expressed in Hz, or vibrations per second. Below I describe the different brainwaves our brain can produce and what kind of mood you experience as a human being. I start with the brainwaves with the lowest intensity, or the slowest brainwaves.
Delta waves 0.5 ? 4 Hz. (Deep sleep)
Delta waves are called the waves our brain produces between 0.5 ? 4 Hz. These are the slowest brain waves our brain can make and are produced when we are in deep sleep. The brain waves ensure that our body is in an optimal state to heal. Some people who are at an advanced stage of meditation can also achieve this state. Think of the monks of the eastern world.
Theta waves 4 ? 7 Hz. (Meditation and deep relaxation)
Theta brain waves are in the spectrum of 4 ? 7 Hz. These brainwaves are produced just before we fall asleep and during (day) dreaming. We are completely relaxed and open to our creative ideas and distant memories. Also, our intuitive ability is very strong at this time. When you meditate and enter the Theta state you will experience that you have an enormous dose of creativity that your mind is capable of. It feels like your creativity is suddenly awakening.
In ADDs/ADHD sufferers, there appears to be above-average Theta activity mainly in the frontal cortex (front part) of the brain during the day. In 'normal' ;) people, almost no Theta activity can be measured during the day. This high Theta activity is not favourable when you are expected to be in an alert state where you need to concentrate. You will therefore be easily distracted and unable to concentrate on tasks. You will also have problems with motivation. Dreaming away, that's more your thing ;)
Alpha waves 7 ? 14Hz. (Relaxed and clear)
The brain waves with a frequency of 7 ? 14 Hz. we subdivide into Alpha waves. When the brain produces Alpha brainwaves, we feel very pleasant and relaxed but at the same time alert. So you are not rushed and stressed but rather calm and can easily reach your creative sides while feeling rested and clear.
In this Alpha state, we are good at learning and absorbing information. We can focus well and information is easily processed by the brain. We also retain memories easily. EEG equipment shows that when we close our eyes, Alpha waves in the brain immediately increase. An easy way to quickly of course you can get into Alpha state read here.
Beta waves 14 ? 40 Hz. (Alert and vigilant)
Beta waves are called the waves produced between 14 ? 40 Hz. In this we can still low, medium and high Beta waves. In general, we produce Beta waves when we have our attention focused externally. So at that moment, we are not at all occupied with ourselves but with our external world. For example, we are at work, driving a car, talking, reasoning, presenting and making decisions.
When we experience stress and tension, a large amount of high (fast) Beta activity is present while there are few other brainwaves. With a good ratio of Beta waves to other brainwaves, you can be hugely successful. You can then perform a task clearly and focused without making mistakes quickly because you lose focus. You can also think logically, reason, remember and make decisions well at that time.
With a bad Bèta relationship, your brain is in a chaos of thoughts that you cannot stop. Focusing on 1 thing is therefore out of the question. In people with ADD and ADHD, abnormal beta activity is therefore often measured. This causes problems with processing information and sustaining attention.
If you have trouble falling asleep at night, it is because there is still a lot of Beta activity in the brain. It is therefore also a good idea to do some take rest to calm the brain and so the Bèta activity to decline.
You can also use binaural beats. This is by far the easiest way to calm your brain quickly and naturally, purely by listening to certain audio frequencies your brain will reference. Works very well for me! Read all about it here.
Gamma waves 40 ? 42 Hz. (Very alert and focused)
Brain waves with a frequency starting at 40 Hz. produce our brain when we are in a high state of consciousness and highly alert. This happens when we need to deliver a top performance. At that time, we can easily absorb and process all the information from our surroundings to make quick decisions.
Bring yourself into Alpha state (calmness, relaxation and clarity)
I have now given you an insight into the whole spectrum of brain waves that the brain can produce. It is not that we are slaves to our brain and have to make do with the waves our brain produces. Neither is it the case that we are always dependent on our environment and that it determines which brain waves our brain produces and therefore what state we are in.
We ourselves can exert enormous influence to get into a pleasant state of consciousness and produce brain waves that optimise our ability to, for example, learn, relax, focus, sleep, feel comfortable and relax etc.
For example, when you are hugely stressed or anxious you produce a lot of Beta brainwaves that cause you to not feel clear in your head. Your brain is a chaos of thoughts and jumps from one thing to another. You feel restless and uncomfortable. Relaxation exercises and meditation (see tip 5), but also sports/movement (tip 6) then ensure that your bèta activity decreases. But there are many other options to get your brain optimised so that you feel comfortable, calm, relaxed and clear.
There is a simple and very effective method for an ADD or ADHD person to quickly bring your brain into a calm state, like the Alpha state. I use this myself and it helps me a lot. Whether you want to sleep, relax, concentrate or become energetic. You can read more about it in the following article on get your brain into Alpha state quickly for better concentration, calm and relaxation
Want to read more about the differences between the "normal brain" and the "ADD/ADHD brain" in terms of brainwaves? You can read that here. That gives you a lot of insight about yourself and other people with ADD or ADHD, very interesting!
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Six months ago, I received a referral to an agency for ADD testing. I recognise myself enormously in the characteristics of ADD (as well as HSP).
The frustrating thing for me, however, is that nothing came out of that research because there is too little evidence from childhood.
Meanwhile, they have been doing follow-up testing for six months and I don't know anything yet.
I am afraid nothing will come out again because it is too little 'demonstrable' from childhood.
I am 36, when I was young, little or nothing was known about this kind of thing, and my parents have no comparables either.
Research as done consists of many questions and interviews: in my view, a subjective method, if you are so used to something or don't remember how it used to be.
Why not just measure your brainwaves and derive the information from that?
That seems much simpler, faster, more reliable and objective to me.
Hi Luna,
ADD and ADHD unfortunately cannot be measured with certainty in the brain. It is only that if you measure a large group of people with ADD and a group without ADHD, you will see differences. For each individual, even the brain of someone without ADHD may look the same as that of someone who does have the diagnosis. Nowadays, AD(H)D can only be demonstrated using questionnaires. This includes interviews with parents about childhood.
Greetings Jochem.
Hi Jochem. Nice and clear piece you've written! I myself have ADD and HSP and also have two children who have that. In addition, my son has had a lot of anxiety (GAS). A few years ago, Dynamic Neurofeedback came my way. I started doing it with my children and have benefited immensely! My head is quiet, I have more overview, can put down much more than before, focus much better, etc. My children have also benefited a lot. Especially my son, who has completely lost his fears, among other things. I took the course myself and have had my own practice for three years now; What you say about your NF trainings, I can imagine that you did not notice enough, that the effects did not stick. I myself have experienced; myself, but also in my practice, that someone with AD(H)D complaints does need more trainings than when you come for anxiety or other complaints. At least 40-50. In addition, it would be worth trying Dynamic Neurofeedback, because that form of NF trains the entire frequency spectrum (i.e. all the areas you described so nicely above) at the same time. In this, you experience changes/improvements in all kinds of areas, not just the ones you come for. For example, you come for better concentration, but the changes start with e.g. sleeping better or feeling more relaxed. Only after further training do you see that the deeper problems are 'tackled', such as concentration, overview, better focusing, becoming more emotionally stable, etc. I'm curious, though, which form of neurofeedback you did? Not that it wouldn't be good, by the way; but if, besides AD(H)D, you also have HSP complaints and fears or other things, the dynamic neurofeedback is a tool that might give you the desired effect. I always really like your site! You always have very useful tips and everything you describe is very recognisable and useful if you are ADD and HSP :) Keep up the good work!
Dear Jochum
I was wondering about your own experiences with neurofeedback?
Kind regards
ps I myself have ADD and neuroimmunity problems and am HSP but now my niece is being diagnosed with ADD and I hope they are going to help her without chemical medication
Hi Evy, I have tried neurofeedback 2x. 1x normal neurofeedback (10 sessions) and 1 x brain state (can't remember the name exactly) that was 20 sessions. For me it didn't help enough but this could also be due to the cvs/me (chronic fatigue) which made my whole system and brain extra dysregulated.
The neurofeedback did make me slightly calmer in the head but it was not that it really improved me tremendously. After a while, the result was also gone. But I also hear from people who do benefit from it. So it really is a question per person whether it will work or not, I think, and as I said, my CVs/me may also have had a lot of influence. Above all, get very well informed!
All the best with your choices.
Greetings Jochem.
Hello, what an interesting topic! I am very interested in the workings of the brain so I was wondering where you got this information from, could you maybe send the literature sources to me! It will make me really happy! This is because I would like to know exactly how brain waves are formed in the brain and so I want to delve a bit more into this topic.
Thanks in advance and keep writing articles!!!
Regards Laura
Hello, I would like to fully support Jochem with his opinion not to take everything on Youtube or other media for credible. Your neurologist can give more insight in this area though, as they should be familiar with gamma waves and their effects or drawbacks. I myself also have a lot of activity in that unknown part of the brain, but when you ask in person, they can give more specific answers. The Internet can give false information and then people like Jochem are happy to point this out.
Regards Bertramus
I have a question.
I had damaged nerves. Now I did nerve regeneration isochronic binaural beats via you tube. Not once but I think three times in one day. The following night I had violent pulses in my brain and warm currents through my body. The following day I had a severe headache. Now I am of the opinion that. Swelling has occurred in the damaged area. Now four days later, I feel all warm currents through my abdomen again. I am worried about possible proliferation of cells, can that happen?
Would like to receive a reply soon.
Hi Marja, Binaural Beats is to my knowledge not known to have any such complaints. I myself am cautious about listening to them on YouTube, though. After all, you never really know what you are listening to. Anyone can upload something, but I find the complaints you experience very severe and I have never heard them before. You can start assuming all sorts of things yourself that you've suffered swelling in the damaged area of your brain but that won't get you anywhere. The best advice I can give you is to go to the doctor. They may decide to do a scan of the head but possibly the symptoms will subside on their own within a few days. Good luck with it Marja! Greetings Jochem.